"english": { "aboutScreen": { "title": "About", "text": "\n



\nmyLPG.eu wants to help you drive economically anywhere in the world.
\nWith the assistance from you and other users of myLPG.eu portal and apps, we are growing the database of LPG stations and making it as up-to-date as possible.\n


myLPG.eu portal


\nmyLPG.eu portal started in 2011 with a modest coverage of some countries in Europe. Since then the portal grew and had in 2021 more than 1.5 million visits.
\nVisitors use the portal to find LPG stations, plan their route, see current LPG prices, check where the LPG installers/services are, and more about LPG in general.\n


myLPG.eu app


\nThe current version of the app shows locations of LPG stations with basic station’s info if available (LPG price, confirmations, name, address, coordinates, schedule).
\nIts full potential is met if you allow the use of device’s location. Then the app will show your location in regards to stations’ locations and will list you nearest stations to your current location.
\nThe database is downloaded from the myLPG.eu portal everytime you click on the “Update” button.\n


About the author


\nMatija Matvoz
\nfounder, CEO\n


You can reach me at



\nI love all the feedback I can get.\n

\n", "email": "info@mylpg.eu" }, "helpScreen": { "title": "Help", "general": "Frequently asked questions", "answers": "Answers", "problem": "If you have any problems and the answer is not below, please send an email with your question to info@mylpg.eu", "questions": [ "Info for motorhome owners", "Why does the app need your device’s location?", "What are the numbers in coloured circles?", "Why are there different colours of markers?", "What are verified stations?", "How to search for stations in an area?", "Why are N S E W letters next to distance?", "What are station confirmations?", "Why are some prices in red?", "Why some stations don’t have prices?", "How can I add a new station?", "How can I add a new price?", "How can I confirm a station?", "How can I report a station?", "What are favourites?", "How can I add a station to favourites?", "How can I remove a station from favourites?", "Why did some of my favourite stations disappear after an update?" ], "questionAnswers": [ { "ques": "Info for motorhome owners", "ans": "Even though myLPG.eu was primarily used for vehicles who use LPG as a fuel, plenty of myLPG.eu users now are motorhome owners with a bit different LPG needs - for domestic use. As different countries (and different fuel companies) handle the situation with LPG differently (some allow filling Autogas into cylinders/bottles, some don't), there is a functionality on myLPG.eu website where users can add info about each station what is allowed to fill there. This feature will be available on the next app update." }, { "ques": "Why does the app need your device’s location?", "ans": "The app needs your location to show you your location in regards to stations’ locations and to list nearest stations to your current location." }, { "ques": "What are the numbers in coloured circles?", "ans": "Those are clusters of stations. If you zoom-in, you will see separate locations. You can see how the markers look like in the next answer." }, { "ques": "Why are there different colours of markers?", "ans": "Stations come and go. As it is practically impossible to have a 100% correct database the colour of the marker will tell how reliable the information about that station is.", "stations": [ { "title": "verified", "color": "#2B78E5", "description": "This station is verified by station owner. That means the location and info is 100% correct." }, { "title": "mostlyConfirmed", "color": "#009E0E", "description": "This station was confirmed by visitors in the last three months." }, { "title": "confirmed", "color": "#FF9900", "description": "This station was confirmed by visitors between three and twelve months ago." }, { "title": "leastConfirmed", "color": "#D02B26", "description": "This station was confirmed by visitors more than twelve months ago." } ] }, { "ques": "What are verified stations?", "ans": "Station owners can claim their stations. If a station is a “Verified station”, then station owners guarantee that the station is definitely there and that the info is correct.\nAre you a station owner and would like to claim your station? Please send an email to info@mylpg.eu." }, { "ques": "How to search for stations in an area?", "ans": "Find the location on the map that interests you, then press and hold your finger on that location for a few seconds. A new overlay with options will appear. One of them will be \"List stations\". If you select it, nearest stations to that location will be listed." }, { "ques": "Why are N S E W letters next to distance?", "ans": "Those are directions from base location (your location, searched location, default location). N - North, S - South, E - East, W - West." }, { "ques": "What are station confirmations?", "ans": "Every time a visitor changes any info or adds a new LPG price for a station on the myLPG.eu portal, the station gets a confirmation. The more confirmations a station has and the recent the last confirmation is, the higher the chance that the station is at that location." }, { "ques": "Why are some prices in red?", "ans": "If the date of last price is not recent, the price is in red to avoid confusion." }, { "ques": "Why some stations don’t have prices?", "ans": "Most data is provided by visitors of myLPG.eu portal and app. If you know a price, please add it in the app, on the portal or send an email with price and station location to info@mylpg.eu." }, { "ques": "How can I add a new station?", "ans": "Find the right location on the map, then press and hold your finger on that location for a few seconds. A new overlay with options will appear. One of them will be \"Add a station\". If you select it, you will then have the option to add a station name (optional) and station price (optional). After adding the station an URL will appear below where it is possible to add all other info for the station (address, schedule, description and other options).\n" }, { "ques": "How can I add a new price?", "ans": "There is a button \"Add price or confirm\" on the station's overlay. If you tap on it a new overlay will show the form for confirming or adding a new price. The price is in the local currency and for a liter of LPG/Autogas.\nIf you confirm the current price (if available) or add a new one, the station will also be automatically confirmed as having LPG/Autogas.\nDevice has to be connected to the internet for this functionality to work.\nVerified stations don't have the \"Add price or confirm\" button as the price should be the correct one added by station owners.\n" }, { "ques": "How can I confirm a station?", "ans": "There is a button \"Add price or confirm\" on the station's overlay. If you tap on it a new overlay will show the form for confirming or adding a new price. If you don't know the price but you know that this station does have LPG/Autogas, if you tap on \"Skip\" another overlay will show where you can confirm that this station has LPG/Autogas.\nDevice has to be connected to the internet for this functionality to work.\nVerified stations don't have the \"Add price or confirm\" button as stations are confirmed by station owners.\n" }, { "ques": "How can I report a station?", "ans": "There is a button \"Report this station\" on the station's overlay. If you tap on it a new overlay will show the form for reporting the station.\nDevice has to be connected to the internet for this functionality to work.\nVerified stations don't have the \"Report this station\" button as stations are confirmed by station owners.\n" }, { "ques": "What are favourites?", "ans": "Favourites functionality allows you to have your own curated list of LPG stations.\nYou can access the list by taping the star on the Nearest LPG Stations overlay.\nIf the app knows your location, the list will be sorted by distance from your current location, else the list will be sorted alphabetically by station's name.\n" }, { "ques": "How can I add a station to favourites?", "ans": "There is an image of a star left of the \"Navigate\" button on the station's overlay. If the star is empty and you tap on it, this station will be added to favourites." }, { "ques": "How can I remove a station from favourites?", "ans": "There is an image of a star left of the \"Navigate\" button on the station's overlay. If the star is yellow and you tap on it, this station will be removed from favourites." }, { "ques": "Why did some of my favourite stations disappear after an update?", "ans": "Stations come and go. Maybe the station didn't have LPG/Autogas anymore or maybe there were two locations for the same station and they were merged into one. Each time you update the database in the app, the app check and downloads the latest database from the myLPG.eu portal. If the station is no longer active, it gets automatically removed from the device's favourites list." } ] }, "homeScreen": { "title": "Home", "translationUpdated": "Translations have been updated", "km": "km", "mi": "mi", "cardinalDirections": { "N": "N", "E": "E", "W": "W", "S": "S" }, "networkError": "Can't connect to myLPG.eu portal. Make sure, you are connected to the internet", "noAreaSelected": "Please select at least one country for database download", "fetchingDataSuccess": "Success", "updateState": { "downloading": "Downloading ...", "saving": "Importing ...", "updateFavourites": "Update Favourites ...", "finished": "Update finished" }, "noCurrentLocationModal": { "title": "Your current location is not available. Would you like to list stations near your default location?", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No" }, "touchHoldPopUp": { "title": "New features:", "features": [ "1. Press and hold on the map for extra features", "2. Extra languages in the settings", "3. Added schedule for a station" ], "dontShowAgain": "Don't show again", "ok": "OK" }, "distance": "Distance" }, "update": { "updateMessage": "Update database", "updateButtonLabel": "Update" }, "nearestStationsScreen": { "title": "Nearest LPG Stations", "locationNotAvailable": "Please enable location (GPS) on your device to see your current location on the map and to see the nearest stations around you.", "authorize": "Allow Location Access" }, "listingStations": { "title": "Listing Stations", "locationNotAvailable": "Please enable location (GPS) on your device to see your current location on the map and to see the nearest stations around you.", "authorize": "Allow Location Access" }, "favouriteScreen": { "deleteFavourites": "These favourite stations were disabled", "updateSuccessful": "Update successful", "title": "Favourites", "noFavourites": "You don't have any favourites.", "favouritesHint": "Add one by tapping on the star logo in the station's description." }, "stationInfoScreen": { "meter": "m", "chooseSatNav" : "Please choose navigation application:", "on": "on", "lastOn": "last on", "noDistanceTitle": "Device's location unknown", "noPriceValue": "N/A", "navigateButtonLabel": "Navigate", "priceTitle": "Price", "confirmationTitle": "Station confirmed", "coordinatesTitle": "Coordinates", "coordinatesCopiedMessage": "Coordinates are copied to clipboard", "addressCopiedMessage": "Address was copied to clipboard", "addressTitle": "Address", "scheduleTitle": "Schedule", "scheduleType": { "nonStop": "non-stop", "closed": "closed", "na": "N/A" }, "highway": { "title": "Is on highway", "na": "N/A", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No" }, "weekDays": [ "Mondays", "Tuesdays", "Wednesdays", "Thursdays", "Fridays", "Saturdays", "Sundays", "Holidays" ], "addPriceTitle": "Add price or confirm", "reportStationTitle": "Report this station", "stationLinkMessage": "Check this station on myLPG.eu portal.", "stationLinkMessageHasInfo": "This station has more info (description and/or comments) on the myLPG.eu portal.", "visit": "Visit", "page": "page", "stationAddedToFavourite": "This station was added to favourites", "stationRemovedFromFavourite": "This station was removed from favourites", "addPriceNeedToBeOnline": "You have to be online to add price or confirm a station", "reportStationNeedToBeOnline": "You have to be online to report this station", "editStationButtonLabel": "Update station info", "telephone": { "title": "Telephone", "na": "N/A", "copiedMessage": "Telephone number was copied to clipboard" }, "allowed": { "title": "Allowed filling of LPG", "na": "N/A", "type": { "all": "All", "80": "All with 80% shut off valve", "safefill": "Safefill bottles allowed", "gasbank": "GasBank bottles allowed", "not-allowed": "Filling cylinders/bottles is not allowed", "leisure": "Leisure gas only", "no-adapters": "Adapters are NOT allowed" } }, "mixture": { "na": "N/A", "title": "LPG Mixture" }, "lpg_info": { "title": "Info about LPG", "na": "N/A", "type": { "acme": "ACME connector", "bayonet": "Bayonet connector", "dish": "Dish connector", "euro": "Euroconnector", "lend_adapters": "Possible to lend adapters", "buy_adapters": "Possible to buy adapters", "90_propane": "LPG has more than 90% Propane", "24-7-lpg": "24/7 LPG" } }, "height": { "na": "N/A", "title": "Height restriction", "noRestriction": "No height restriction", "max": "max " }, "length": { "na": "N/A", "title": "Length restriction", "noRestriction": "No length restriction", "max": "max " }, "services": { "title": "Services", "na": "N/A", "type": { "cash": "Cash Payment accepted", "card-payment-accepted": "Card Payment accepted", "dkv": "DKV", "uta": "UTA", "ec-karte": "EC-Karte", "easy-access-for-motorhomes": "Easy access for motorhomes", "motorhome-needs": "Motorhome needs", "gray-water": "Gray water disposal", "self-service-tanking": "Self service tanking", "staff-operated-tanking": "Staff operated tanking", "help-with-filling": "Help with filling", "gasoline-100": "Gasoline 100", "gasoline-98": "Gasoline 98", "gasoline-95": "Gasoline 95", "adblue": "AdBlue", "atm": "ATM", "free-wifi": "Free Wi-Fi", "shop": "Shop", "bar": "Bar", "restaurant": "Restaurant", "marche-restaurant": "Marché restaurant", "wc": "WC", "disabled-restroom": "Disabled restroom", "shower": "Shower", "playground-for-children": "Playground for children", "diaper-changing-table": "Diaper changing table", "TV": "TV", "automatic-car-wash": "Automatic car wash", "manual-car-wash": "Manual car wash", "self-service-car-wash": "Self-service car wash", "self-service-vacuum-cleaner": "Self-service vacuum cleaner", "motor-oil-change": "Motor oil change", "auto-repair": "Auto repair", "postal-services": "Postal services", "vignettes-austria": "Vignettes for Austrian motorway", "vignettes-hungary": "Vignettes for Hungarian motorway", "vignettes-slovenia": "Vignettes for Slovenian motorway" } } }, "optionsScreen": { "listStationsBtn": "List Stations", "listStations": "Lists stations around this area", "addStationBtn": "Add a station", "addStation": "Add a missing station from this location", "defaultLocBtn": "Set as default location", "defaultLoc": "If no GPS signal, app will center on this location on open", "defaultLocSet": "Default location successfully saved." }, "addStation": { "enterValidPrice": "Please enter a valid price", "title": "Add new station", "skip": "Skip", "coordinates": "Coordinates", "name": "Station name (optional)", "noInternetMsg": "You have to be online to add a station", "enterName": "Enter Station Name", "price": "LPG price (optional)", "enterPrice": "Enter Price", "add": "Add the station", "notice": "Station will be added to myLPG.eu portal. A link to the station on the portal will be shown after submitting. If you would like to add other info (address, schedule, description and other options)", "linkMessage": "Station added. You can edit it or add other details here:", "locationUnknown": "Device's location unknown, please find the right location on the map and tap on it for a few seconds", "notOnYourLocation": "If station is not on your current coordinates, please find the right location on the map and tap on it for a few seconds", "filterStationsActive": "Warning, you aren't seeing all stations because you have filters enabled. It is possible a station exists here already and it isn't shown." }, "addPrice": { "priceCurrency": "Price Currency", "skip": "Skip", "navigate_button": "Navigate", "addOrConfirmPriceTitle": "Add or confirm price", "addNewPriceTitle": "Add a new price", "enterValidPrice": "Please enter a valid price", "confirmPriceQuestion": "Is the price still", "confirmButtonTitle": "Yes", "confirmQuestionTitle": "New price of LPG", "enterPricePlaceHolder": "Enter the new price", "iOSDatePickerConfirm": "Confirm", "iOSDatePickerCancel": "Cancel", "addPriceButtonTitle": "Add new price", "skipButtonTitle": "Skip", "noInternetMsg": "You have to be online to edit or confirm a station" }, "confirmStation": { "confirmStationTitle": "Confirm the station", "confirmStationQuestionFirstPart": "Does this station still sell", "confirmStationQuestionSecondPart": "LPG/autogas?", "confirmButtonTitle": "Yes", "rejectButtonTitle": "No" }, "possibleActions": { "skip": "Skip", "title": "Possible Actions", "listStations": "List stations", "listStationsFirstPart": "Lists stations around this area", "addStations": "Add a station", "addStationsFirstPart": "Add a missing station from this location", "defaultLocation": "Set a default location", "defaultLocationFirstPart": "If no GPS signal, app wil center on this location on open." }, "general": { "close": "Close", "alertTypeError": "Error", "alertTypeSuccess": "Success", "ok": "OK", "noInternet": "No Internet", "error": "There was an error. Please contact me at info@mylpg.eu", "emailError": "Invalid email", "databaseAccessError": "Can’t connect to myLPG.eu database. Please check that the App has internet access and isn’t blocked by device settings, proxy or firewall.", "buyError": "There was an error. Please try again.", "sortDistance": "sort by distance", "sortPrice": "sort by price" }, "reportStation": { "reportStationTitle": "Report the station", "reportReasons": [ { "label": "There is no station at this location", "value": "no-station" }, { "label": "Station stopped selling LPG indefinitely", "value": "indefinitely" }, { "label": "Station stopped selling LPG temporary", "value": "temporary" }, { "label": "Station is operational again", "value": "operational" }, { "label": "A station nearby is the same as this one", "value": "double-location" }, { "label": "Station is here, BUT (more in the comment)", "value": "herebut" } ], "emailTitle": "Your e-mail", "saveEmailLabel": "Save e-mail for later", "emailUsageMessage": "Your e-mail will be used internally only if there will be any questions regarding the station's report.", "commentTitle": "Any comment", "comment": "The comment will also NOT be visible to public", "reportButtonTitle": "Report", "okResponse": "ok", "noInternetMsg": "You have to be online to report a station" }, "settingScreen": { "general": "General", "database": "Database", "updateOnAppStart": "Update database on app start", "updatePerDay": "Update database once per day", "updatePerWeek": "Update database once per week", "updateNever": "Don't update database automatically", "chooseCountriesText": "Choose continents / countries", "chooseCountriesLabel": "Select the continents / countries which will be updated in the database", "map": "Map", "keyboardType": "Keyboard type", "title": "Settings", "language": "Language", "languageDropdownLabel": "Select your language", "unitDropdownLabel": "Select preferred unit", "clusterDropdownLabel": "Select your cluster level", "keyboardDropdownLabel": "Select your keyboard type", "default": "default", "language_select": "en - english", "update_button": "Update", "update_message": "Update database", "unit": "Measuring Units", "units": [ "Kilometers", "Miles" ], "keyboardTypes": [ "numeric keyboard - default", "normal keyboard" ], "list_update": "List Update", "last_update": "Last Update: ", "update_database": "Update Database", "map_update": "Map Update", "remove_updateNotice": "Remove update notice for 7 days", "remove_clustering": "Remove clustering markers on zoom level", "remove_touchHold": "Remove touch and hold for options on the map", "show_prices_on_map": "Show prices on the map ", "reposition": "Reposition the map to current location each minute (driving mode)", "alreadyLatest": "You already have the latest database", "prices": "Prices", "numeric_notice": "If numeric keyboard isn't showing a dot (.) or comma (,) for adding prices, please select normal keyboard", "ignoredUntil": "Updates ignored until", "support": "Ads and support", "support_text": "If the app helped you save money, please consider supporting myLPG.eu", "support_text_paid": "Thank you for supporting myLPG.eu", "support_button": "Buy no ads version" }, "customPopUp": { "name": "Name", "address": "Address", "postalCode": "Postal Code", "city": "City" }, "searchArea": { "title": "Search an area", "offlineHeader": "This functionality needs internet connection to work", "areaLabel": "Find stations around", "areaPlaceholder": "Enter search area", "areasListHeader": "Areas", "searchButtonTitle": "Search", "noSearchText": "Please input at least 4 characters to search" }, "filterStations": { "title": "Filter stations", "headerHelpText": "Show stations according to these filters:", "warning": "Warning, there are a lot of stations where above options weren't added yet, so a station could fit your criteria, but won't be visible", "heightRestriction": "Height restriction (m)", "lengthRestriction": "Length restriction (m)", "showStations": "Show stations", "clearFilters": "Clear filters", "onHighways": "On highways", "favouriteStations": "Favourite stations", "verifiedStations": "Verified stations", "confirmedInLastThreeMonths": "Confirmed in last 3 months", "priceAddedInLastThreeMonths": "Price added in last 3 months", "filterOnAppStart": "Use these filters on app start" }, "continents": { "africa": "Africa", "asia": "Asia", "australia-oceania": "Australia/Oceania", "europe": "Europe", "north_america": "North America", "south_america": "South America" }, "countries": { "A": "Austria", "AL": "Albania", "AM": "Armenia", "AND": "Andorra", "AUS": "Australia", "B": "Belgium", "BD": "Bangladesh", "BG": "Bulgaria", "BIH": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BY": "Belarus", "CAM": "Cameroon", "CDN": "Canada", "CH": "Switzerland", "CL": "Sri Lanka", "CO": "Colombia", "CR": "Costa Rica", "CY": "Cyprus", "CZ": "Czech Republic", "D": "Germany", "DK": "Denmark", "DOM": "Dominican Republic", "DZ": "Algeria", "E": "Spain", "EAU": "Uganda", "EST": "Estonia", "F": "France", "FIN": "Finland", "FJI": "Fiji", "FL": "Liechtenstein", "GE": "Georgia", "GR": "Greece", "H": "Hungary", "HK": "Hong Kong", "HR": "Croatia", "I": "Italy", "IL": "Israel", "IND": "India", "IRL": "Ireland", "KS": "Kyrgyzstan", "KZ": "Kazakhstan", "L": "Luxembourg", "LT": "Lithuania", "LV": "Latvia", "M": "Malta", "MD": "Moldova", "MK": "North Macedonia", "MNE": "Montenegro", "N": "Norway", "NL": "Netherlands", "NZ": "New Zealand", "P": "Portugal", "PK": "Pakistan", "PL": "Poland", "RA": "Argentina", "RCH": "Chile", "RKS": "Kosovo", "RO": "Romania", "RP": "Philippines", "RSM": "San Marino", "RUS": "Russia", "S": "Sweden", "SK": "Slovakia", "SLO": "Slovenia", "SRB": "Serbia", "T": "Thailand", "TJ": "Tajikistan", "TR": "Turkey", "UA": "Ukraine", "UK": "United Kingdom", "USA": "United States of America", "ZA": "South Africa" } },