List of LPG stations in Andorra

Check the list of LPG stations in Andorra with available LPG prices, mixtures and when was the station last confirmed.

It is possible to sort the list by station name, address, postal code, city, on highway, price, lpg mixture and status. It is also possible to do a quick search through the list.

Status color legend:

Status code 1 - This station is verified by station owner.
Status code 2 - This station was last confirmed in the last 3 months.
Status code 3 - This station was last confirmed between 3 and 12 months ago.
Status code 4 - This station was last confirmed more than 12 months ago.
Status code 5 - This station was added and never confirmed.


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List of LPG stations in Andorra - ∑2


What is a verified station?

There are currently no verified stations in Andorra.

  • All stations
  • Confirmed in last 3 months

About LPG on the station:

Payments and Services:

  • Card Payment accepted
  • Easy access for motorhomes
  • Staff operated tanking
  • Gasoline 98
  • Gasoline 95
  • ATM
  • Shop

Allowed filling of LPG:

  • Filling cylinders/bottles is not allowed

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Pas de la Casa
LPG Price:
0.832 EUR/L (22.11.2024)

On highway: No
LPG Mixture: N / A
Allowed filling of LPG: Filling cylinders/bottles is not allowed
Status code 2
Total confirmations: 104
Last one on 22.11.2024.
LPG Price:
N / A

On highway: N / A
LPG Mixture: N / A
Allowed filling of LPG: N / A
Status code 2
Total confirmations: 4
Last one on 11.12.2024.


Your favourite company is not on the list of verified companies? Check out more here: What are verified stations?

Add a missing LPG station

If you know a station that is not on the list please Add a new LPG station or contact me.

How to use Verified stations' filters

Tutorial of how to use the Verified stations' filters on Youtube

Tutorial of how to use the Verified stations' filters on Youtube