Check the info about LPG stations in Croatia.
Autoplin, Plin, LPG, UNP
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG, driving on LPG or any other info regarding LPG in Croatia please contact me and I will add it to the page..
LPG | Unleaded | Diesel |
0.86 EUR/L ![]() | N / A | N / A |
Last update on 12.01.2023 Chart of fuel prices
Crodux | |
In'Sol | kralja Tomislava 98, Baška |
INA Sesvete-sjever | Zagrebačka cesta 38, Sesvete |
Lukoil BP UDBINA | Rebić 29a, Rebić (Udbina) |
Batur Benz | Bristovačka, 23226, Pridraga |
The whole list of LPG stations
Download POIs for LPG stations in Croatia Last station update on 17.01.2025
AUTO SERVIS TOMAS AUTO | Osječka ulica 67, Josipovac |
Autoservis Lepus | Karanačka ciglana 2, Beli Manastir |
Auto Prikratki | Zagrebačka ul. 110,, Varaždin |
Auto Centar Volarić d.o.o. | Trampov breg 64, Viškovo |
Frigo Adria d.o.o. | Škrljevo 227, Škrljevo |
The whole list of installers and services
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