Crodux Rupa Ac - Zapad


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Contact info

Verified company

Crodux Croatia


Crodux Rupa Ac - Zapad

Veli Brgud 174
51211 Matulji


Latitude, Longitude
45.44243, 14.2733

45° 26.546' N 14° 16.398' E
45° 26' 33" N 14° 16' 24" E

Check location on Google maps

Is on highway



+385 916-650-247


Opening hours

Mondays: non-stop
Tuesdays: non-stop
Wednesdays: non-stop
Thursdays: non-stop
Fridays: non-stop
Saturdays: non-stop
Sundays: non-stop
Holidays: non-stop

About LPG on the station

Dish connector
24/7 LPG

Connectors in Croatia: Dish connector

Payments and Services

Cash Payment accepted
Card Payment accepted
Disabled restroom
Diaper changing table
Playground for children

Maximum vehicle height

N / A

Maximum vehicle length

N / A

Propane/butane mixture

summer: 50% propane, 50% butane
winter: 80% propane, 20% butane

Allowed filling of LPG

N / A


N / A

Station status

This station is verified by station owner.

This station is verified by station owner. Find out more about verified stations

Price of LPG

LPG price Date
0.83 EUR/L05.08.2024

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Comments about Crodux Rupa Ac - Zapad

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