Check the info about LPG stations in Italy.
Even though LPG is not prohibited to fill by yourself in Italy by law, there are almost no stations where it is possible fo fill LPG on stations when they are not attended (usually from 19:00 or 20:00 till 07:00 at night). Usually stations along motorways stay open also during the night.
Generally LPG shouldn't be sold for cooking or heating to campervans or motorhomes.
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG, driving on LPG or any other info regarding LPG in Italy please contact me and I will add it to the page..
Dish connector
Assogasliquidi, LPG and LNG National Association - language: Italian
LPG | Unleaded | Diesel |
0.73 EUR/L -0.02 EUR/L | 1.84 EUR/L -0 EUR/L | 1.75 EUR/L -0 EUR/L |
Last update on 24.01.2025 Chart of fuel prices
Vega | Via Vigonovese 234 , PADOVA |
PompeBianche | Via Angelo Zucco 35 , FONZASO |
Api-Ip | Viale Enzo Ferrari 28, ROMA |
Ego | via dai pescatori 24 , CODEVIGO |
The whole list of LPG stations
Download POIs for LPG stations in Italy Last station update on 23.01.2025
Gori Ecofficina | Via Giordania, 16, Grosseto |
Boccardi Gas | Via Scansanese, 126, Grosseto |
Gas Tecnology | Via del Timo, 16, Cagliari |
Emmegas | Via Girolamo Gastaldi 32, Genoa |
Officina Pirillo | Via Caio Plinio, 340, Lipomo |
The whole list of installers and services
There are currently no verified stations in Italy.
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If you know a station that is not on the list please Add a new LPG station or contact me.