LPG Norge Ørje - 24/7 automat

Description: Tel: 90 02 78 01
Man-Fre 07-17,Lør 09-14 (Autogas 24t)24/7 LPG with Mastercard or Visa

Italian dish adapter.

Autogas can be filled 24/7, bottles can be filled only during working hours.

Contact info
Station status
Price of LPG
Nearest stations
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Contact info

Verified company

LPG Norge


LPG Norge Ørje - 24/7 automat

Elgfaret 4
1870 Ørje


Latitude, Longitude
59.477513, 11.677259

59° 28.651' N 11° 40.636' E
59° 28' 39" N 11° 40' 38" E

Check location on Google maps

Is on highway



+47 477-755-05


Opening hours

Mondays: 07:00 - 17:00
Tuesdays: 07:00 - 17:00
Wednesdays: 07:00 - 17:00
Thursdays: 07:00 - 17:00
Fridays: 07:00 - 17:00
Saturdays: 09:00 - 14:00
Sundays: closed
Holidays: closed

About LPG on the station

Dish connector
LPG has more than 90% Propane
24/7 LPG

Connectors in Norway: Bayonet connector, Dish connector

Payments and Services

Card Payment accepted
Easy access for motorhomes
Self service tanking

Maximum vehicle height

N / A

Maximum vehicle length

N / A

Propane/butane mixture

95% Propane

Allowed filling of LPG

All with 80% shut off valve
Safefill bottles allowed


Tel: 90 02 78 01
Man-Fre 07-17,Lør 09-14 (Autogas 24t)24/7 LPG with Mastercard or Visa

Italian dish adapter.

Autogas can be filled 24/7, bottles can be filled only during working hours.

Station status

This station is verified by station owner.

This station is verified by station owner. Find out more about verified stations

Price of LPG

LPG price Date
15.9 NOK/L
or cca.
1.36 EUR/L

Comments about LPG Norge Ørje - 24/7 automat

Łysy - 05.02.2025
Wszystko fajnie, tylko z ceną coś im się odkleiło - z dnia na dzień podnieśli z 12,90 na 15,90. W Szwecji prawie tyle kosztuje benzyna a to tylko 10 km dalej

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Nearest stations

LPG Norge Halden (46.43 km SSW)* Verified station
LPG Norge Fredrikstad - 24/7 automat (47.17 km SW)* Verified station
LPG Norge Aurskog (52.32 km NNW)* Verified station
LPG Norge Moss (55.71 km W)* Verified station
LPG Norge Montebello (59.29 km NNE)*
LPG Norge Romerike - 24/7 automat (65.1 km NW)* Verified station
LPG Horten (67.23 km W)*
Circle K Bryn (67.96 km NW)*
LPG Alnabru Oslo - 24/7 automat (68.73 km NW)* Verified station
LPG Norge Tønsberg - 24/7 automat (73.84 km WSW)* Verified station

* Air distance, actual distance is longer
North, East, South, West