SHELL Kraków - Aleja Pokoju


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Contact info


SHELL Kraków - Aleja Pokoju

Aleja Pokoju 65
31-564 Krakow


Latitude, Longitude
50.064784, 19.995353

50° 3.887' N 19° 59.721' E
50° 3' 53" N 19° 59' 43" E

Check location on Google maps

Is on highway



+48 511-821-223


Opening hours

Mondays: non-stop
Tuesdays: non-stop
Wednesdays: non-stop
Thursdays: non-stop
Fridays: non-stop
Saturdays: non-stop
Sundays: non-stop
Holidays: non-stop

About LPG on the station

N / A

Connectors in Poland: Dish connector

Payments and Services

N / A

Maximum vehicle height

N / A

Maximum vehicle length

N / A

Propane/butane mixture

N / A

Allowed filling of LPG

N / A


N / A

Station status

This station was last confirmed in the last 3 months.

Total confirmations: 347
Last one on 09.02.2025

Nobody wants to drive to a closed station.

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Price of LPG

LPG price Date
3.35 PLN/L
or cca.
0.8 EUR/L

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If you know anything about this station that is not yet written, please Change station's data or contact me.

Comments about SHELL Kraków - Aleja Pokoju

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Nearest stations

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VALDI Kraków - ul. Aleja Pokoju (0.55 km ENE)*
ORLEN Kraków - ul. Centralna (0.67 km E)*
MOL (0.97 km SSE)*
MPO Kraków (0.99 km NE)*
DOBRY GAZ Kraków (1.29 km ENE)*
MOL Kraków - Aleja Pokoju (1.36 km ENE)*
Circle K KRAKÓW (1.64 km W)*
CARREFOUR Kraków - ul. M.Medweckiego (1.75 km NE)*
Krak-Tar (2.2 km S)*

* Air distance, actual distance is longer
North, East, South, West