Håkansson & Håkansson AB

Description: May 2023
32 kr/l for refill of a German gazbottle, 16 kr/l for vehicles.

Stationen kan tanka gasol till bilar, husvagnar, husbilar.
Samt fylla svenska, danska, tyska och spanska flaskor.
Betalning: svenska kontanter, kort och Swish.

This gas station provides you with LPG for your car, caravan or RV.
We're filling gas cylinders from Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Spain.
Payment: Cash(Swedish), debitcard and Swish.

Die Tankstellek kann LPG fur Autos, Wohnwagen und Wohnmobile
tanken sowie schwedische, dänische, deutsche und spanische flaschen fullen.
Zahlung mit schwedischem Bargeld und Kreditkerte.

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Contact info


Håkansson & Håkansson AB

Fabriksgatan 30
27236 Simrishamn


Latitude, Longitude
55.545357, 14.328838

55° 32.721' N 14° 19.73' E
55° 32' 43" N 14° 19' 44" E

Check location on Google maps

Is on highway



+46 414-168-11


Opening hours

Mondays: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesdays: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesdays: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursdays: 10:00 - 17:00
Fridays: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturdays: 10:00 - 14:00
Sundays: N / A
Holidays: N / A

About LPG on the station

N / A

Connectors in Sweden: Dish connector

Payments and Services

N / A

Maximum vehicle height

N / A

Maximum vehicle length

N / A

Propane/butane mixture

N / A

Allowed filling of LPG

All with 80% shut off valve


May 2023
32 kr/l for refill of a German gazbottle, 16 kr/l for vehicles.

Stationen kan tanka gasol till bilar, husvagnar, husbilar.
Samt fylla svenska, danska, tyska och spanska flaskor.
Betalning: svenska kontanter, kort och Swish.

This gas station provides you with LPG for your car, caravan or RV.
We're filling gas cylinders from Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Spain.
Payment: Cash(Swedish), debitcard and Swish.

Die Tankstellek kann LPG fur Autos, Wohnwagen und Wohnmobile
tanken sowie schwedische, dänische, deutsche und spanische flaschen fullen.
Zahlung mit schwedischem Bargeld und Kreditkerte.

Station status

This station was last confirmed in the last 3 months.

Total confirmations: 24
Last one on 01.01.2025

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Price of LPG

LPG price Date
16 SEK/L
or cca.
1.42 EUR/L

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Nearest stations

Ystad Gasol AB (31.93 km WSW)*
GasolEsset AB (43.1 km N)*
Nöbbelövs gasol (48.19 km NNW)*
Himlastallet i Slagtofta AB (54.33 km NW)*
Bilservice i Kylinge AB (73.76 km NNE)*
GT Petroleum (75.45 km NNE)*
Ekonex (76.04 km NNW)*
Mark (77.5 km NNE)*
GasolEsset Trelleborg (78.4 km WSW)*

* Air distance, actual distance is longer
North, East, South, West