POI or Points of Interest contain a list of 58 LPG stations in Switzerland with GPS coordinates and addresses.
POI for Garmin devices (.csv)24.01.2025
1. Download and unzip this file
2. Connect your Garmin device to the computer and use Garmin POI Loaderto import the POIs
3. Find these POIs on Garmin device in "Where to", "Extras" and "Custom POIs"
Files in the myLPGeuCH.zip package:
- myLPGeuCH.bmp - image for a POI on a map -
- myLPGeuCH.csv - actual list of POIs
- instructions.txt - a step-by-step guide
1. Download and unzip this file
For Devices using MyDrive
2. Connect your navigation device to your computer. Switch on your device.
3. Click the MyDrive Connect icon in the Windows notification area or Apple menu bar.
4. Click Manage community content.
5. Click Add POI.
6. Click Browse. You see a list of all files in your selected folder.
7. Select the POI (.ov2) file or icon file (.bmp) on your computer that you want to put on your device.
8. Click Open. The web page shows the selected file.
9. Click Install.
For Devices using TomTom HOME
2. Connect your device to your computer and launch TomTom HOME.
3. Click Add Traffic, Voices, Safety Cameras etc. in the main menu in HOME.
4. Click Points of Interest.
5. Click Add to install POI.
Files in the myLPGeuCH.zip package:
- myLPGeuCH.bmp - image for a POI on a map -
- myLPGeuCH.ov2 - actual list of POIs
- instructions.txt - a step-by-step guide
1. Download and unzip this file
2. Open Google Earth
3. Follow the directions to select a KML file.
Files in the myLPGeuCH.zip package:
- myLPGeuCH.kml - actual list of POIs
- instructions.txt - a step-by-step guide
1. Download and unzip this file
2. Place the KML file in \\iGO\content\userdata\poi
3. Place the BMP file in \\iGO\content\userdata\usericon
Files in the myLPGeuCH.zip package:
- myLPGeu.bmp - image for a POI on a map -
- myLPGeuCH.kml - actual list of POIs
- instructions.txt - a step-by-step guide