Check the info about LPG stations in Tajikistan.
Газ, gas
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG, driving on LPG or any other info regarding LPG in Tajikistan please contact me and I will add it to the page..
Gazprom | Ayni Street, Dushanbe |
Gazprom | Khofizi Sherozi Avenue, Dushanbe |
Gazprom | Рахмон Набиев, Dushanbe |
Gazprom | кӯчаи Мирзо Турсунзода, Tursunzoda |
Gazprom | Dilkusho Street, Dushanbe |
The whole list of LPG stations
Download POIs for LPG stations in Tajikistan Last station update on 17.02.2022
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