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Contact info


Sevtopolis Stree, No 1, Floor 1-Ap 117
6100 Kazanlak
tel/fax: +359 431 623 36



Our company manufactures suspension parts from 1995 to the daily automotive sector. Our firm, which operates 2700 m2 closed area, employs 50 personnel in its area. Our company, which produces suspension parts for various vehicle brands, can manufacture all kinds of special orders coming from the wide machine park.

Our company, which mainly serves the suspension systems and sub-components, is aware that the product supply strategies in the sector are starting to change nowadays, as the global economic crisis has increased its influence. Now our customers want to be economical as well as product quality. At this point, our difference emerges. We offer the most economical solutions in our products with quality in the sector. This separates us from others. In addition to our own products, we are able to offer more than 20,000 products of many industrialists who produce in various vehicle groups with the best price to our customers' liking.

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