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Check the info about installers and services in Croatia and last added installers.
Info about LPG installers and services in CroatiaThere are 10 LPG installers and services in Croatia. If you know an installer or service that is not on the list, you can add it here.
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG in Croatia please contact me and I will add it to the page.
AUTO SERVIS TOMAS AUTO | Osječka ulica 67, 31221, Josipovac | Croatia |
Autoservis Lepus | Karanačka ciglana 2, 31300, Beli Manastir | Croatia |
Auto Prikratki | Zagrebačka ul. 110,, 42000, Varaždin | Croatia |
Auto Centar Volarić d.o.o. | Trampov breg 64, 5126, Viškovo | Croatia |
Frigo Adria d.o.o. | Škrljevo 227, 51223, Škrljevo | Croatia |
Autoplin Misic | Dr.Franje Tuđmana 33, 10437, Rakitje | Croatia |
Auto Koren | Vrbovečka 35, 48260 , Križevci | Croatia |
Autoplin Brešković | Put sv.Jurja 74, 21214, Kaštel Novi | Croatia |
Autoplin BOYSKI d.o.o. | Krbune 4, 52333, Potpićan | Croatia |
Autoplin CEPELIN | Velikopoljska 2a, 10010, Zagreb -Sloboština | Croatia |
If you know an installer or service that is not on the list please Add a new installer or service or contact me.