Sprawdź informacje o stacjach LPG w Norwegia.
Autogass, LPG, Autogas
All stations should have 95%+ Propane
Info about LPG installations in Norway
Needs to be installed by approved/certified installer. The installation then gets approved at Statens vegvesens trafikkstasjoner (state road authorities).
Approval is easier if performed by Norwegian installer, this due to documentation from and of the installer etc, but more expensive.
It should also be ok to get it installed outside Norway, but then should contact state road authorities first to make sure that all needed paperwork can be provided.
Also Service on the LPG system can be a bit more difficult to get done locally if the install is done outside Norway.
At least if installed outside Norway, then make sure the same LPG system is sold in Norway.
Jeśli znasz jakieś prawa lub inne informacje na temat konwersji na LPG, jazdy na LPG lub innych informacji dotyczących LPG w Norwegia proszę skontaktuj się ze mną i dodam go do strony..
Złącze bagnetowe, Złącze do naczyń
Official document for LPG conversion in Norway (.pdf) - language: English
Drivkraft Norge - association that represents the interests of fuel and energy companies in Norway - language: Norwegian, English
LPG | Bezołowiowe | Diesel |
14.1 NOK/L ![]() | 21.8 NOK/L ![]() | 21.35 NOK/L ![]() |
Ostatnia aktualizacja 16.02.2025 Wykres cen paliw
LPG Norge Montebello | Grenseveien, Montebello |
LPG Norge Averøy | Miljøveien 20, Averøy |
Jæren Gass AS - Leisure gas only | Grødelandsvegen 367, Orre |
LPG Norge Evje - 24/7 automat | Bjoråvegen, Evje |
Shell CRT Harstad | Stangnesterminalen 2 F, Harstad |
Pobierz POI dla stacji LPG w Norwegia Ostatnia aktualizacja stacji na 14.02.2025
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