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Frequently asked questions


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Your website helped me during travel. How can I help?

The goal for is to be the most helpful and reliable database of LPG stations around the world. Each day it is one step nearer the goal, but that can only happen with the help from users, who update, comment and report about stations.

The app and part of website are already translated to some languages. If you would like to contribute by translating any part, please let me know at More about translating the app below.

On longer road trips knowing where LPG is can save you A LOT of money if you don't have to drive on gasoline. There are no donations possible on at the moment, but if you want to say thanks via financial means, you can subscribe in the app

Oh, and spreading the word that exists also helps.

Thank you all for helping!

About the website

How can I list stations near an area on the webpage?

There is a map of stations for a country when you choose a country on the stations page

But sometimes you only need to know about stations around some area. To list (and show) those stations (if any on, please use the search page . If you aren't satisfied with search results, you can change options with advanced search, which is near the search button.

Is it possible to plan the route on the webpage?

You can find the route planner on this page -

There are a few steps:

  • Step 1 - define your route
  • Step 2 - choose countries for stations
  • Step 3 - search for stations
  • Step 4 - see results, generate POIs

About the mobile app

How can I list stations near an area in the app?

When you are browsing for stations on the map and want to list stations around that location, you tap and hold for a few seconds, then a new menu appears. If you select to list stations around current area, those stations will be listed.

Is it possible to plan the route in the app?

Currently route planner exists only on the website. Check the above answer for more.

Until that feature is possible also on the app, these can help at least in a limited way:

  • Navigate button - it sends station's coordinates to any sat-nav app you have on your device.
  • Favourites - preparing for a trip you can add stations en route to favourites and during your commute use the favourites list and see where the nearest station is
  • Driving mode - option in settings that refreshes your location and distances to listed stations
  • N S E W sides of the sky - knowing where the nearest stations are on the list in relation to your position

Can the app be translated into my language?

If your language is missing in the app, you can either request it or translate it. If you request a language (you can do it via email -, Google Translate will be used to translate into that language. If you would like to translate it, please check this page -

Why I can't update prices in the app?

If app shows an error that the new price is too high or too low, most likely the format of the price isn't right. Please check that the price is in the same format as in the example. If you are sure you put the right price in the right format, please let me know at

Some mobile devices don't show dots on numerical keyboard when changing prices. There are two solutions that remedy that:

  • if keyboard has a comma, you can use that. App will automatically convert comma to decimal point and it will work
  • if keyboard also doesn't have a comma, it is possible to switch to a full keyboard in the app settings


Do all stations on sell autogas (LPG for driving)?

Even though a lot of users are motorhome owners, the project started as a website for autogas. That is why all stations should sell autogas (LPG for driving). There are a few exceptions if that particular area lacks LPG stations, a station which only lets filling of leisure gas (for motorhomes) can be added/maintained with visible caution at the end of that station's name. There is an option to state if that station allows filling of LPG cylinders/bottles on that station's page on the website (it will be available in the app in future updates).

How to know which Propane/Butane mixture is the station selling?

Because Propane has lower boiling point and can be used also in colder environments, knowing the mixture while traveling in areas that are below 0°C is highly appreciated.

Some info about average mixtures in different countries can be found here (LPG Propane/Butane mixture) and each station on the webpage (it will be available in the app in future updates) has a field "Propane/butane mixture".

Your station charged me double the amount. What can I do? doesn't own any station nor does it operate one. It only lists stations from other companies. Please contact the company directly.

LPG use

Where to buy LPG adapters?

You can find more info about adapters here (Where to buy LPG adapters) and here (LPG adapters in Europe)

What is the price of LPG comparing to diesel or gasoline?

LPG tends to be at least a third less than the price of diesel and gasoline, depending on taxes and policies. Table of current prices (LPG, unleaded, diesel) can be found here (LPG prices around the world)

How much would it cost to convert my vehicle to LPG? doesn't own any services or LPG systems. It is best to find nearest LPG installers and ask them if they already converted the same engine before, how much would it cost and if they had any problems with it. You can find LPG installers here: (LPG installers and services)