Chart of fuel prices in Colombia

This is a chart about the average fuel prices in Colombia through time.

Price statistics
Chart of prices


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Price statistics for Colombia

Average prices

Last prices from 10.08.2023

LPG Unleaded Diesel
7451.083 COP/US gal
LPG price got cheaper-519.843 COP/US gal
N / AN / A

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Chart of prices

Prices in the last year

While hovering over the chart you can see the prices for each fuel on the same day displayed in the legend situated on the top left part of the chart.

Prices - all time

While hovering over the chart you can see the prices for each fuel on the same day displayed in the legend situated on the top left part of the chart.

Record prices

Minimum price Maximum price
LPG 6931.24 COP/US gal (31.07.2023) 7451.083 COP/US gal (10.08.2023)
Unleaded N / A N / A
Diesel N / A N / A