Station U Chemillé

Description: heures D´ouverture : L-v: 9h-12h30 14h30-19h / s: 9h-19htéléphone : 02 41 49 17 80
En automatique 24/24
Pas facile avec le camping car mais faisable avec marche arrière (il y a une chicane et on n’a pu sortir qu’en marche arrière avec notre 7m50)

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Contact info


Station U Chemillé

Rue des Coteaux-de-Chizé
49120 Chemillé-en-Anjou


Latitude, Longitude
47.2079, -0.7184

47° 12.474' N 0° 43.104' W
47° 12' 28" N 0° 43' 6" W

Check location on Google maps

Is on highway



+33 241-491-780


Opening hours

Mondays: non-stop
Tuesdays: non-stop
Wednesdays: non-stop
Thursdays: non-stop
Fridays: non-stop
Saturdays: non-stop
Sundays: non-stop
Holidays: non-stop

About LPG on the station

24/7 LPG

Connectors in France: Dish connector

Payments and Services

Cash Payment accepted
Card Payment accepted
Easy access for motorhomes
Self service tanking
Gasoline 98
Gasoline 95
Marché restaurant
Laundry service
Automatic car wash
Manual car wash
Self-service car wash
Self-service vacuum cleaner

Maximum vehicle height

3.6 m

Maximum vehicle length

N / A

Propane/butane mixture

N / A

Allowed filling of LPG

Filling cylinders/bottles is not allowed


heures D´ouverture : L-v: 9h-12h30 14h30-19h / s: 9h-19htéléphone : 02 41 49 17 80
En automatique 24/24
Pas facile avec le camping car mais faisable avec marche arrière (il y a une chicane et on n’a pu sortir qu’en marche arrière avec notre 7m50)

Station status

This station was last confirmed in the last 3 months.

Total confirmations: 1360
Last one on 09.12.2024

Nobody wants to drive to a closed station.

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Price of LPG

LPG price Date
0.999 EUR/L09.12.2024

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If you know anything about this station that is not yet written, please Change station's data or contact me.

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Nearest stations

Carrefour Cholet - Temporarily out of order (17.58 km SSW)*
Access TotalEnergies Cholet (18.36 km SW)*
Intermarché Beaupréau (19.5 km W)*
Station U St-Georges-sur-Loire (21.62 km N)*
Access TotalEnergies Beaucouzé (29.46 km NNE)*
Access TotalEnergies Baumettes (29.8 km NNE)*
Station U Varades (30.4 km NW)*
Auchan | Angers (32.21 km NNE)*
Station U Doué-la-Fontaine (32.3 km E)*
TotalEnergies Varades-le Genetais A11 (32.4 km NW)*

* Air distance, actual distance is longer
North, East, South, West