Description: Schedule: 00:00 - 24:00
Telephone: +421(2)68720500

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Price of LPG
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Contact info



Rýchlostná cesta R7 - Odpočívadlo Blatná na Ostrove vľavo 197
930 34 Holice


Latitude, Longitude
48.01163, 17.46044

48° 0.698' N 17° 27.626' E
48° 0' 42" N 17° 27' 38" E

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Is on highway

N / A


N / A


N / A

Opening hours

Mondays: N / A
Tuesdays: N / A
Wednesdays: N / A
Thursdays: N / A
Fridays: N / A
Saturdays: N / A
Sundays: N / A
Holidays: N / A

About LPG on the station

N / A

Connectors in Slovakia: Dish connector

Payments and Services

N / A

Maximum vehicle height

N / A

Maximum vehicle length

N / A

Propane/butane mixture

N / A

Allowed filling of LPG

N / A


Schedule: 00:00 - 24:00
Telephone: +421(2)68720500

Station status

This station was last confirmed in the last 3 months.

Total confirmations: 157
Last one on 09.02.2025

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Price of LPG

LPG price Date
0.829 EUR/L25.03.2024

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If you know anything about this station that is not yet written, please Change station's data or contact me.

Comments about OMV

Jaroslav Koller - 07.06.2024
Majú veľmi nepríjemnú personál neochotny zákazník chce zaplatiť za tovar a nevedia mu vídať už minimálne 2 mesiace chodíme ako partia sem tankovať a kupovať si potravini dene robyme 80€ tržbu a každé ráno o 5:25 tá istá príhoda oni nevedia vídať so 50€ alebo so 100€ vraj nemajú peniaze v kasse. A to sa opakuje každé ráno už 2 mesiace chcel by som vás napomenúť aby ste si dane problemi riešili .. A spravili si poriadok s vedením ďakujem...

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Nearest stations

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Omv (10.45 km E)*
JOPI (12.17 km NNW)*
VOMS (12.62 km E)*
Slovnaft (12.86 km E)*
Jurki (15.89 km NNE)*
Jopi (18.11 km ENE)*
LPG Rovinka (18.69 km WNW)*

* Air distance, actual distance is longer
North, East, South, West