Check the info about installers and services in Lithuania and last added installers.
Info about LPG installers and services in LithuaniaThere are 8 LPG installers and services in Lithuania. If you know an installer or service that is not on the list, you can add it here.
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG in Lithuania please contact me and I will add it to the page.
LPG Servisas | R. Kalantos 16A, 52497, Kaunas | Lithuania |
VK Dujos | Dariaus ir Gireno 1a, Siauliai | Lithuania |
LPGS service | Šilutės plentas 3, Klaipėda | Lithuania |
Autoarka | Sedos g. 30A, Telšiai | Lithuania |
Mobilus AutoDujų Servisas | Islandijos pl. 15, 49179, Kaunas | Lithuania |
Dujosauto | Smelynes gatvé 200A, Panevezys | Lithuania |
Romantoma | Metalistų 2A, 78107, Siauliai | Lithuania |
Du ponai (EuroGasService) | Kalvariju St. 206A, 08314, Vilnius | Lithuania |
If you know an installer or service that is not on the list please Add a new installer or service or contact me.