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LPG installers and services in Hungary


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Info about LPG installers and services in Hungary

In Hungary, authorized personnel must fill your LPG tank, per law. This means you need to go in and request for a worker to come and help you. However it's not always obeyed, especially at smaller stations - where they might tell you if you know how to do it, just go ahead and do it yourself. But you need to check with them first.

There are 7 LPG installers and services in Hungary. If you know an installer or service that is not on the list, you can add it here.

If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG in Hungary please contact me and I will add it to the page.

Last added LPG installers or services

ZoomCar Amadé László utca 1., 9021, Győr Hungary
Bácsgépker Kft. Kisszállási út 11., 6440, Jánoshalma Hungary
M21 Kft. Mártonszállási út hrsz. 0404., 6500, Baja Hungary
Pécsi GázAutó Kft Siklósi út 2., 7632, Pécs Hungary
Br.Car kft Szondi u. 12., 2085, Pilisvörösvár Hungary
Molnár Autógáz Kft. Vasút u. 9., H-6075, Páhi Hungary
Gas System Kft Ujszasz Utca 47, 1165, Budapest Hungary

The whole list of installers and services

Map of installers

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If you know an installer or service that is not on the list please Add a new installer or service or contact me.