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What is myLPG.eu all about.
What is myLPG.eumyLPG.eu is one of the largest portals about autogas in Europe. It tries to be as helpful as possible to two different groups of visitors:
They want to know if it is economical for their specific case to convert (autogas calculator), where are the installers, which lpg systems are there, is it safe and other useful info to know before conversion (hidden costs, fuel prices around Europe, LPG statons around them, do they need additional lubrication,...)
They want to know where to tank when outside their normal commute route (stations per country, search for station in an area, route planner), what are the prices of LPG on different stations, what are the prices around Europe before traveling, which autogas adapter is needed in which country,...
It has a lot of positive responses from visitors:
The work that has been put into this portal is greatly appreciated also by organizations and other entities:
Yearly statistics:
From Decembre 2020 till Decembre 2021
As long as it is a win-win solution between your company and the visitor, everything is possible.
The author reserves the right to refuse cooperation if it would not benefit visitors.
Do you own LPG stations? Check also the Verified stations possibility.