Check the info about LPG stations in Czech Republic.
LPG, Ropný plyn
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG, driving on LPG or any other info regarding LPG in Czech Republic please contact me and I will add it to the page..
Dish connector
Czech LPG association - language: Czech
LPG | Unleaded | Diesel |
17.58 CZK/L 0.23 CZK/L | 35.41 CZK/L 0.63 CZK/L | 35.15 CZK/L 0.65 CZK/L |
Last update on 07.12.2024 Chart of fuel prices
LPG Dobromeřice - SPOLGAS | 5.května 435, Dobromeřice |
ČS LPG DOBROMĚŘICE - SPOLGAS | 5.května 435, Dobromeřice |
Osek - D1 to Ostrava | D1 staničení – km 289 vpravo ve směru z Prahy, Osek nad Bečvou |
Osek - D1 to Přerov | D1 staničení – km 289 vlevo ve směru z Prahy |
Čerpací stanice LPG u Krobiána |
The whole list of LPG stations
Download POIs for LPG stations in Czech Republic Last station update on 07.12.2024
AUTOGAS - CENTRUM, spol. s r.o. | Heydukova 1269, Strakonice |
HL Propan | Štramberská 2905, Ostrava |
LPGPROFI | Holohlavy 248, Holohlavy |
Gasinsight s.r.o. | Na Rokytce 1032/24, Praha |
Auto plyn Čadek Jaroslav | Sladovnická 4, Brno |
The whole list of installers and services
There are currently no verified stations in Czech Republic.
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