Check the info about LPG stations in Slovenia.
Avtoplin, Plin, LPG, UNP
If you know for any laws or other info about converting to LPG, driving on LPG or any other info regarding LPG in Slovenia please contact me and I will add it to the page..
Dish connector
Traffic information centre - language: English, Slovenian
LPG | Unleaded | Diesel |
0.91 EUR/L -0.05 EUR/L | 1.52 EUR/L 0.01 EUR/L | 1.58 EUR/L -0.02 EUR/L |
Last update on 20.01.2025 Chart of fuel prices
Petrol Bs Lipica - Temporarily out of order | Lipica 26, Lipica |
MOL Ravne na Koroškem | Dobja vas 18 B, Ravne na Koroškem |
MOL ŠEMPAS | Šempas 160b, Šempas |
Petrol BS Ivančna Gorica | Vodotučine 14, Ivančna Gorica |
Discont Oil | Plavje 35, Plavje |
The whole list of LPG stations
Download POIs for LPG stations in Slovenia Last station update on 19.11.2024
Avtonaplin d.o.o. | Taborska cesta 25a, Ljubljana |
Zver Milan | Ižakovci 129 B, Beltinci |
Avto Benčič, Primož Benčič s.p. | Jevnica 72, Kresnice |
Drago Košak s.p. | Zloganje 36, Škocjan |
Avtomehanika Vulkanizerstvo Škabar | Gradac 78, Gradac |
The whole list of installers and services
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